SWGEmu Gaming
Things I’m learning and want to remember about the game SWGEmu!
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Things I’m learning and want to remember about the game SWGEmu!
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SWGEmu Moving Furniture Made Easy
Moving furniture with the radial menu is an ok place to start, but when you find yourself wanting a finer touch to fixing up your house, shop or other type of personal space, you really need a better way to easily move things around.
Try this set of macros to make things easy and fun:
Move your tool bar to one of the layers you don’t use a lot. (Toolbar level #3 or 4 works well and stays out of the way).
Press ctrl-A to pull up your “Abilities” window
Select the “Macro” tab
Press the “New macro” Button
In the box where it says, “Macro Text”, add your movement. For example:
/rotatefurniture left 5
/rotatefurniture left 45
/rotatefurniture left 90
/rotatefurniture left 180
/move forward 20
/move forward 10
/move forward 5
/move forward 1
/move back 20
/move back 10
/move back 5
/move back 1
/movefurniture up 10
/movefurniture down 10
/movefurniture up 5
/movefurniture down 5
/movefurniture up 1
/movefurniture down 1
Name it in the name window.
Pick an icon and add it to the list.
Then drag the icon to the tool bar and moving things become much easier by using the customized buttons you just made.
This is taken from:
It is put here so that we can still locate the commands if the page above is ever removed from swvault.
I wish I knew who made this website so I could thank them… and beg them to NEVER take it down!!
Fashions by TK
Clothing styles in SWG!
Naming with Color Codes for your items, homes or harvesters.
Online Game Color Codes
First you need to setup a Keymap for pasting into the game.
Login to your toon in SWGEmu. Click Ctrl + O or the options icon on the bottom right of the window. Click on the button for Controls. Now click on the button at the bottom named Keymap. In the Keymap window you need to click on the Chat tab at the top. Scroll down to the Chat Edit Paste. Click on the Chat Edit Paste and then click on Rebind. This is where you will enter the keys you will use on the keyboard for pasting into the game. I use both the Ctrl and Insert keys together for pasting. Click Apply and then Ok.
The easiest way to use color and name items in your game is to do so in a text file first.
Name a house:
– Open a text file
– Type your house name with the color codes.
#008B8BM#0000FFy #008B8BI#0000FFnc.
(note: I want the word Workshop to be on the second line. You can only do this by doing a copy and paste from notepad. Use enter in notepad to go down a line to type the second line of text. I’ve done up to 4 lines total. There is a character limit in names and it includes the color codes.)
Now copy what you typed in Notepad and use the keys you setup to paste them into the box for naming your house. It’s that simple. You can do this with structures of all types including harvesters and factories.
This same idea works for naming containers, items you craft and schematics in game. The only difference is that you cannot do 2 lines on these items, that I know of…
Current Info for Havester Purchases as of August of 2012.
Mediums – 10.6 BER (12.56 on floras), 60k+ storage. (currently 25+ of mineral, chem, and gas in stock each, floras 15)
• 25k each
Heavies – 13.59 BER (13.56 on chems), 116k+ storage. (currently out of stock, until later tomorrow, taking orders now)
• 50k each
Fusions – 12.77 BER, 137k+ storage. (currently 9 in stock)
• 60k each
Personals – 4.7 BER, 31k+ storage (many in stock, crates of 5 for 5k and singles)
• 1k each
Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) was one of the greatest games I ever played… before CU that is. CU was a major change to SWG that caused Sony to lose over half of the player base. It was too major of a change. They should have created a SWG II and posted it as a new version. Yes, it was that different. Think about it, they didn’t get rid of the old version of EverQuest when they changed things. They brought out EQII. It’s just a major mistake they made.
SWG Emulator (SWGEmu) is one of two companies working on an emulation engine to run the original game on. The other is called SWG A New Hope (SWG:ANH). Both of these are groups of programmers working together to give us back the pre-cu game that we love so much.
The only two that can be played online right now is SWGEmu. It’s an open Alpha test version. Yes, I said Alpha. Not everything is working. The servers go down a lot. If you have never played on an Alpha test server then you will be feeling frustrated at times. I’ve played one a couple and still get frustrated sometimes, but to me this is worth it! I’ve missed SWG! The SWG it was in before the CU changes. Now I can play it whenever the servers are up.
I’m really looking forward to the addition of Creature Handler! It hasn’t been added yet from what I’ve understood. Maybe that will change by the time I build up my Scout to get there!!!
Link –> http://www.swgemu.com
Guides –> http://www.swgemu.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=64
Happy Gaming!!
2 links to help with harvesting in SWGemu.